Tag Archives: online

Writing Websites


I have a question to writers out there who post online. Which writing website do you like best? I currently have a Wattpad account, which I made years ago when I was younger. I do enjoy Wattpad, but I find that I might be outgrowing it. I am looking for new writing sites for me to post my work and get feedback.

What are your thoughts on these sites? Scribophile, webook, worthyofpublishing, etc. Which sites in your opinion are the best for feedback and a good community?


S.J. Rhodes

Reconnecting with characters


So I haven’t written from a certain character’s point of view in a long time. As I started writing from his view again, it was nice to get into his head. I’m so used to writing from the main character, Violet’s, point of view. It was nice to start writing from Luke’s point of view again, remembering who he really is, not just who Violet sees. I’m currently on Chapter 5 in “The Scientist, The Cure, and The Weapon” and writing from Luke’s point of view has been very refreshing. Especially since Luke has been a character from the beginning.

Has anyone else experienced this when going back into another characters point of view when you haven’t been there in a long time?

XOXO S.J. Rhodes

Habits of a Writer


For me personally, I can’t force myself to sit down and write three chapters. There’s a process, one that I haven’t paid too much attention to until the past couple months.

Usually I will sit down and start writing, then I will start writing something and I get stuck, or need a break. So my break turns into binging on a TV show and observing other characters, plots, mistakes, etc. And after a couple episodes I will usually be able to go back to the computer and pump out a whole new chapter.

My parents would give me the hardest time for sitting there in front of the TV for hours, but they failed to see that I wasn’t simply zoning out, but was studying. These days I see watching TV as studying. Because I want to be a writer for TV and I go to an Arts School that really is heavy in the TV/Film department, I have learned from the classes I’ve had and now watch everything as if I am studying. It has changed my perspective completely and been really helpful.

Also, I have found that my most creative times are anywhere from 2-5 PM or 9 PM -12 AM. Usually I can knock out a chapter or two in those times, whereas, if I sit down at any other time of day my writing tends to be slower.

Listening to background music and drinking a cup of tea usually helps me write, too. Any other writers have any of these habits?

XOXO S.J. Rhodes

Trouble in the house! (Spoiler Chapter 37 slayer 3)

Here is a snippet from Chapter 37 in “The Ruler, The Fallen, and The Broken”

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 “Violet, do not test my temper. I don’t want you seeing Bruce again,” Clint stated.

“Clint, you are being ridiculously overbearing. You cannot make that decision. Violet is growing up and you will have to deal with that. I think you need to leave,” Kelsey said.

“Excuse me? I invited you to live here,” Clint said.

“Yeah, well this is Jason’s house, and I’m like his family, so really you could get kicked out,” I replied.

“Clint, we both want you to leave,” Kelsey said more aggressively.